Saturday, August 22, 2020

WEEKLY REPORT (17th August 2020(Monday)- 19th August 2020(Wednesday))

                   FOURTH WEEK

We started our fourth week teaching practice session on Monday 17th August 2020. At 10:30 a.m  I took the class on electronic configuration of atom of  IX standard chemistry on advance organiser model.On the same day Julie and Aswathy taught us. Julie taught us about adhesion force and Aswathy taught us about acid ,base and salt.Both took the class  following the concept  attainment model.

On the next day Lakshmi, Reshma and Sneha taught us .Lakshmi taught us about sublimation based on constructivist model and Reshma taught as about the' Dravabalangal' following the inquiry training model.Sneha taught on the same day about' utpadanam '  following the model of inquiry training.

On Wednesday Gopika and Kartika taught us. Gopika taught us about mixture following the constructivist model and Kartika thought us  about rolling friction following the concept attainment model . We have completed two rounds of online teaching practice through the Google meet application. Our principal Beebi teacher and our senior samuraj sir provided us all the support and help to bring out our talents in teaching.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

WEEKLY REPORT ( 10th August 2020 (Monday)- 14 th August 2020 (Friday))

            THIRD WEEK

We started our third week teaching practice  sessions on Monday 10th August. At 8.30 am I took the class about the History of atom and Dalton's atomic theory. The model was constrivist model. Lakshmi took the class on  Force based on concept attainment model. On the same day at 3 pm we got classes from Reshma and Sneha. Reshma  taught us sublimation, centrifugation and chromatography.  At 3.30pm  Sneha taught us about sound and its source. Both took the classes on Constructivist model.

On the second day Doniya, Karthika and Sarath taught us chemical bonding, Magnetism and capillarity respectively. Doniya taught us chemical bonding based on Inquiry training model and  rest of them on Constructivist model.

We have completed the first round of our teaching sessions.

Archa took the class on Wednesday about chemical changes based on concept attainment model. Arya took the next class on chemical reactions. This class followed Inquiry training model.  

On 13 th August , Thursday we got classes from Aswathy Sajeev on Basic constituents of matter and Ancy B on force. Concept attainment model was followed by both of them. Evening sessions were handled by Zephania based on Inquiry training model for the topic solutions.

Clint took the class on Friday morning on derived units based on concept attainment model. Doniya took the topic viscosity in the evening sessions at 3 pm based on Constructivist model.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

WEEKLY REPORT (3rd August 2020 (Monday) - 8th August 2020 (Saturday))

                 SECOND WEEK

After getting 3 days of  holiday we have returned to our teaching sessions. We were eagerly waiting for our classmate classes and we got interest to prepare for our own classes.

On Monday (3/8/2020) our classmate Arya had took the class on circular motion  based on Constructivist model. We  need to attend the  International webinar conducted by Mount Tabore Training college and so no teaching practice sessions  conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday Zephania and Adarsh took the class on matter and its types on Constructivist model. On 7th August Julie has taught us about force. The last day of this week we got class from Clint based on Distillation. This week we got 5 classes  of our peers on Constructivist model.

My memmories of teachings  in  VICTORY COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION of 2019 August.